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The Beginning Of Anime

The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century. The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ōten Shimokawa, Jun'ichi Kōuchi and Seitaro Kitayama, referred to as the "fathers" of anime.

In Japan, in fact, there are shows for just about everyone. There are tons of product just like the stuff that has been coming to the US for years now (primarily aimed at high school and college aged boys). There are also shows aimed at small children like Doraemon (the merchandising for which makes the merchandising for Independence Day look anemic). There is also a substantial amount of product that is aimed at adults, and some of this can only be described as spooge. In the early days, these were quite tame (perhaps a shower scene or two). As time went on, they got a lot worse (one person I know describes these perfectly as "girls getting raped by Jello"). Where the line is drawn is sometimes difficult: even Urusei Yatsura had topless women in it from time to time (only a flash, but topless nonetheless). Ranma f has more mammary jokes than anything else in recent memory, and this showed on regular television in primetime. That truly adult titles are coming to the US market along with everything else has caused us at TRSI some concern about the comfort level of our customers.

To this end, we've added a warning tag to those titles that we feel merit adult status. We realize that some people will buy these just because they ARE tagged as adult, and that's fine if that's what you're looking for. We're not out to practice censorship, but if you're ordering this sort of tape, we do ask for a signature certifying that you're of an appropriate age to receive them. Ranma isn't tagged as such, even though there are some pretty blue scenes. Things like Angel of Darkness or Twin Angels are because they are VERY adult titles. If you should have a question about a particular title, by all means feel free to contact us on the "contact Us" page

The 1980's are generally considered to be the golden years of Japanese Animation ... this may come as a surprise to the people who refuse to look at anything made before 1989 or so. The greatest diversity of product was being made during this period, having ramped up from the chaotic 70's. Now, a great deal of money was flowing into the industry, and the world began taking serious looks at the things that were being created on a regular basis here.

If you have any more Anime Questions please go to the "Forums" tab and type your question there and we Will get back to you ASAP

Tell us what you think! We love to hear from you guys so please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns via Facebook, Instagram, Or regular email :) All links are down at the bottom of the page Have a Great day!




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10/31/23:  Scandinavian Art Show


11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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© 09/29/2016 by The Black Neko 猫

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